Subject RE: [firebird-support] Creating databases w/ aliases
Author Rick DeBay
" the DBA is required to create a new alias before you try to create the
database "

I did create a new alias, as can be seen in the alias file I originally

" The Fb process needs to have access to the directory/folder"

It does, as I can create databases if I don't restrict access to aliases

"'C:\WINNT\system32\' is not a great place for databases."

This is not a production system, it's my development laptop. Databases
are restricted to a specific location(s) on the test and production

So, has anyone ever created a database when alias restrictions are
turned on?

-----Original Message-----
From: Aage Johansen [mailto:aagjohan@...]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 6:34 PM
Subject: Re: [firebird-support] Creating databases w/ aliases

I may have misread your post ...

> Is there any way to create a database when access has been denied
> to anything but predefined aliases?

One point of restricting to aliases is that the DBA is required to
create a
new alias before you try to create the database.
The Fb process needs to have access to the directory/folder -
"C:\WINNT\system32\" is not a great place for databases.

Aage J.

Rick DeBay wrote:
> #
> # List of known database aliases
> # ------------------------------
> #
> # Examples:
> #
> # dummy = c:\data\dummy.fdb
> #
> rxs = C:\WINNT\system32\RXS.FDB
> # rxs=/opt/firebird/db/RXS.fdb
> test = C:\WINNT\system32\test.fdb
> I tried creating the database with DataBase Workbench. Their support
> staff referred me here. I'm sure the application just connects using
> the SYSDBA account and issues the create database DDL command.
> -----Original Message-----
> ...

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