Subject Re: Re: FB & VFP6 How to store empty date
Author Namit Nathwani
Hi Martijn

At 03:23 pm 08/09/2004, you wrote:
>In this case, the birth-date is "unknown", in other words: NULL.

Okay NULL here I come.

>An empty string ( '' ) does exist, but an empty date doesn't, unless
>you choose the/a zero-date, eg: 1/1/1899 or so.

I tried putting a zero in the remote view but it said data type mismatch
I tried {01/01/1899} and it said something that it cant read a property of
the table
I removed the default value complete and now I can add records, though they
look empty, but when I reopen the view I get .NULL. (the VFP equiv.) in the
date fields.

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