Subject RE: [firebird-support] Querying Encrypted fields?
Author Lee Jenkins
> > Is there anything short of spinning through the entire table and
> > decrypting
> > on the fly? I was thinking of storing the last four digits in
> a separate,
> > indexed field to make searching faster.
> >
> > Thanks to all,
> >
> > Lee
> The names don't have to be encrypted... just encrypt the number/expiry etc
> and you can still search the name
> Alan

Thanks Alan, thats true, isn't it? Maybe the name AND the last 4 digits
since the customer's name on the card may not be as they provide it to the
restaurant manager. (Jim instead of James, for instance). This way I can
do an indexed query on the last four digits and display the cardholders name
in a list to the user...

Thanks again,
