Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Questions about FB file size limits
Author Daniel Rail

At August 27, 2004, 11:08, Peter M. Jagielski wrote:

> Paul,

> Thanks for responding.

>>> It doesn't quite say that the max db file size is 4GB under NTFS.

> I emailed Helen about this, because at least to me, it's a bit
> confusing. P. 946 says that the max *db* size is theoretically 7TB.
> I take this to mean, truly, the max size, assuming the hardware/OS
> platform supports it. But then she says the max *file* size is
> "Depends on the file system...Older NTFS and ext3 are usually 4GB."

I think older NTFS means Windows NT 3.51 NTFS and maybe earlier.

> It sounds to me like I *can* have a 16G .FDB file under WinXP/NTFS.

Yes, you can have a 16GB file.

>>> NTFS itself allows files up to 2TB, although not all MS O/S
>> will support files that large.

> I assume that's true as my 16.6G text file *does* exist :)

> I'll try breaking up the text file into 1G chunks and see how that
> goes. At this size, I'm looking at ~1M recs/files, which is quite a
> bit more than Helen's recommended 10k recs/transaction.

It's possible that for a text file, that there might be a size limit.
Maybe, because of how the external file handling has been implemented.

> Hmm...any way to turn off transaction processing, like SELECT..NO


Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (