Subject Windows XP SP 2 and connecting to a (Linux) server
Author Martijn Tonies
Anyone care to comment on this part?

> > > FYI, I turned off the Windows Firewall under SP2 and the connections
> > > work at full speed. Now I just need to figure out what needs to be
> > > opened up as an exception for the firewall. I tried giveing the
> > > Database Workbench app an exception, no luck. I tried opening up 3050
> > > with no luck either.
> > >
> > OK, I turned on the Firewall logging and noticed a few dropped UPD
> > packets from the Firebird server to the XP client box on port 113. I
> > opened up port 113 on the firewall and it seems to work at full speed
> > now.

With regards,

Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS SQL
Upscene Productions