Subject | Re: synchronize data database tables |
Author | petesouthwest |
Post date | 2004-08-27T08:36:24Z |
First I have to say oh damn! Then: thanks Andy, I had quiet stupidly
overlooked the situation you describe, where two people change the
data on their home machines. I'm new to this sort of app and had
convinced myself (without too much thought) it would be ok :(
Can I get around this by having a field that corrisponded to the
persons userid or name, and then only exporting the
records 'belonging' to that person? That way when the new data is
imported it wont overwrite another user's changes. Or do I need to
do some form of date check on each record? (and therefore add a date
Thanks again for making me think properly about this.
--- In, Andy Goodchild
<goodieauk@y...> wrote:
overlooked the situation you describe, where two people change the
data on their home machines. I'm new to this sort of app and had
convinced myself (without too much thought) it would be ok :(
Can I get around this by having a field that corrisponded to the
persons userid or name, and then only exporting the
records 'belonging' to that person? That way when the new data is
imported it wont overwrite another user's changes. Or do I need to
do some form of date check on each record? (and therefore add a date
Thanks again for making me think properly about this.
--- In, Andy Goodchild
<goodieauk@y...> wrote:
> petesouthwest wrote:them
> > Hi
> >
> > As I said in my original post: My app will be used on users' home
> > machines as well as a LAN at work and I need to be able to allow
> > them to easly 'transfer' the work ie data they have added and
> > amended, back and forth. It needs to be a routine that allows
> > to select their file and then updates only the records they havewhat
> > modeified or added automaticaly leaving existing data untouched.
> Sorry for my ignorance here but I am still not clear as to exactly
> you
> When users are working on the LAN do they all store their own work
> the same database file?same
> If this is the case is it possible for two users to affect the
> record in the database?disk or
> In your current process I assume the users save the CSV file to
> email to themselves is this correct?along
> How do the home PC's get the current state of the database? Is it
> the lines that the users select which records they wish to work onand
> take a copy of these home with them in a CSV file. Load that upand
> then start working. Then when they are finished they produceanother
> CSV file with the changes and load them onto the LAN app when theyare
> next in the office. If this is the case what happens if anotheruser
> makes a change on the LAN version after the first user has takentheir
> copy. Being able to handle this situation is where the complexityof
> database replication kicks in. If you are sure you do not need toworry
> about this situation then there are some tools out there that willdo
> this that are based around exporting records to files that can bethat, if
> imported into different databases.
> IB LOG MANAGER might be appropriate.
> Or you could try
> There is also another utility that a member of this list wrote
> memory serves me correct, deals with import and export of data ina
> similar circumstance. Sorry I can remember the name of thecomponent at
> present. But I seem to remember they produced this because of asimilar
> need to you self. Maybe someone else can point you in the rightinvolved
> direction for that tool.
> > I did this using
> > SMI components that were reasonable priced. However, this
> > mapping columns which seems long and error prone for a lot oftables
> > with a lot of fields.of
> Whatever solution you chose there is going to be a certain amount
> SETUP but this should be a one off process.
> Regards
> Andy