Subject | RE: [firebird-support] design question |
Author | Helen Borrie |
Post date | 2004-08-20T10:25:57Z |
At 10:53 AM 20/08/2004 +0200, you wrote:
entering and editing data, using data-bound controls. All controls linked
to the same datasource.
> > In practical terms, it's a heck of a lot simpler to deployA grid on the left displaying the keys, a one-row view on the right for
> > changes as rows
> > added to table whose structure never changes, than to deploy a new table
> > structure each time you add a member to a paradigm...
>But it's a lot simpler to develope GUI, if there you can connect each field
>to corresponding DBEdit, isn't it ?
>How do you normaly fill edits with data, if you use key-column approach ?
entering and editing data, using data-bound controls. All controls linked
to the same datasource.