Subject Open and Close connection to Firebird 1.03 972 server is slow in Windows XP
Author chaucheeyang
Dear All,

I found a problem with Firebird 1.03 972 windows version. I hope
someone may help.

The problem is the Open and Close connection to Firebird 1.03 server
is slow in some situations.

I use Delphi to write a simple test case to Open / Close repeatedly:

Access database locally:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var i: integer;
d1, d2: integer;
IBDatabase1.DatabaseName := 'c:\test.fdb';
for i := 1 to 10 do begin

The above procedures show the results:

IB 6 FB 1.03(972) FB 1.5.1

Win98 Fast Fast Fast
WinXP Fast Fast Fast

Access database using TCP:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var i: integer;
d1, d2: integer;
IBDatabase1.DatabaseName := 'localhost:c:\test.fdb';
for i := 1 to 10 do begin

The above procedures show the results:

IB 6 FB 1.03(972) FB 1.5.1

Win98 Fast Fast Fast
WinXP Fast -> Slow <- Fast

I suspect it could be the Firebird 1.03 972 's problem. It shows
slow performance over TCP connection in Windows XP.

I don't think it is machine's problem or TCP/IP network problem as
implicated from the above result. If you use IB Console to
repeatedly open/Close database running on Firebird 1.03 972 windows
xp, you can feel the some pause as well.

Since my application still running on Firebird 1.03, I couldn't
upgrade to Firebird 1.5 at the moment. Could anyone please give me
some advice? I suspect it is the compilation problem in Firebird
1.03 972 release.

Best regards,
Chau Chee Yang