Subject Re: RES: RES: [firebird-support] Why after reboot my server I can't access to FB ?
Author Aage Johansen
Gerson Machado - Yahoo wrote:

> Lester,=20
> In my Control panel I have the follow options:
> Firebird is running as an application
> The option: use the Guardian is checked;
> The option: Run as an application is checked;
> The option: Start automatic is checked
> In the Guardian tray icon: Server started ... date and time.
> I try connect locally (on the server) with EMS Console and I receive the
> same error in Windows XP Station:
> Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
> Successful execution of subsequent statements
> Operating system directive CreateFile Failed
> The request operation can't be executed on a file in a section
> opened by the user.
> Tks for help me.

Any interesting messages in the log file?

Aage J.