Subject Re: [firebird-support] ISC error code: 335544344
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:35 AM 22/07/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>ISC error code: 335544344
>I/O error for file "C:\Database\MyDB.gdb"
>Error while trying to access file
>The process cannot access the file because it is being used by
>another process.
>I get this error message when:
>I connect to the database using IBExpert.
>I start my app. It connects to the same DB. (so I have 2 connections)
>At a certain point my app does:
> DB.Disconnect;
> DoSomethingNoBigDeal;
> DB.Connect; <== I get the error message here.
>No matter how I change the code, I get the error at the first try to
>connect after disconnect.
>If I restart the FireBird server everything works fine with the same
>DB and same steps.
>Any ideeas? Any help would be apreciated.

More info would be useful, like the Firebird server and client you are
using. Are you using the embedded server, by any chance?

Describe your setup and the connection strings you are using with IBExpert
and your application, respectively.

Also let us know whether your database file is approaching the max. file
size allowed on your filesystem and whether the partition where the
database file resides is near to full...
