Subject Firebird 1.5.1 on MacOSX
Author Myles Wakeham
We are trying to compile Firebird 1.5 Super Server for Mac OSX Panther
without much luck here. I had another Mac OSX developer friend of mine try
and do it on his computer as well, and he had the identical problems I
experienced. If anyone has been able to get this to compile on their
computer, I was hoping I could explain what I am doing and you could tell me
if there is something obvious I'm missing:

1. I upgraded my Mac G4 to 10.3.4 Panther today
2. I'm using the source code for this located at:
Any attempt to run the script that comes with the Firebird source
code, generates the following error:
Libtool: unknown option character '-' in --version
3. I installed Fink on this computer and updated libtool to the
1.3.5-13 version, which apparently is the latest one. But it would appear
that the command line options being supplied to the Mac OSX version of this
are not being recognized. Consequently the script fails at that point.

I have tried researching this on the Internet and not come up with much.
But clearly I am getting nowhere on this.

Can anyone tell me if there is anything else you did to get this to compile
on Mac OSX?


Myles Wakeham
Director of Engineering
Tech Solutions Inc.
Scottsdale, Arizona USA
Phone (480) 451-7440