Subject Re: embedding firebird in a linux application
Author Fabrice Aeschbacher

> 2. The embedding application needs two files in ${prefix}/firebird
> isc_init1.hostname
> isc_lock1.hostname
> I know I can create these files using isql_static by running it as
> root. Are there any C functions that I can call in my application to
> create those files without having to run isql_static? And is it
> possible to via some environment variable change the ${prefix}
> at runtime?
> thanks,
> todd

I installed FB on a read/only FS, so I had the same problem (i.e.,
move the isc_* files somewhere else). I solved it by creating symbolic

# remount -o remount,rw /
# cd /opt/firebird
# ln -s -f /tmp/isc_init1.localhost isc_init1.$HOSTNAME
# ln -s -f /tmp/isc_lock1.localhost isc_lock1.$HOSTNAME

And if you are using SS:

# ln -s -f /tmp/isc_guard1.localhost isc_guard1.$HOSTNAME

# remount -o remount,ro /

Note, all db connection must be closed first, and fb_lock_mgr must be
killed (if you ar using CS)
Then, the first time you will connect to a DB, the isc_* files will be
created in /tmp.

This works great for me.

Best regards,