Subject RE: [firebird-support] Export FB to Csv (HANDY SCRIPT)
Author Nigel Weeks
> My client wants all fields in all user tables exported to CSV
> files. Can anyone point me to the best way to accomplish this from
> within my application? If I have to write my own, can you tell me
> if the RDB$SYSTEM_FLAG field of the RDB$RELATIONS table being set to
> 0 indicates a user table? If not, how do I detinquish user tables
> from system tables? I'd like to write a generic process so changes
> in the database don't screw up the export.

Here's a little script to do a CSV dump of all data, with configurable
quoting, date formats, and delimiter support.
It's in PHP, but it'll give you ideas if you need to do it in another


#!/usr/local/bin/php -e
// Connect to the source database
$src_db =
ibase_connect("","sysdba","masterkey") or $err
= 1;
if($err == 1){
echo "Error:($err). Source Database connection failed\n";

/* ------------------------------------------------
Uncomment these if you want to transfer immediately
------------------------------------------------ */
$tfer = 1;
// Connect to the destination database
$dest_db =
ibase_connect("","sysdba","masterkey") or $err
= 2;
if($err == 2){
echo "Error:($err). Destination Database connection failed\n";

// Set the following variable to 1 to produce insert statements
$ins = 0;

// Set the field delimiter here
$delim = "'";

// Set the field seperator here
$sep = ",";

// Set the single-quote escaper here
$esc = "'";

// Set the date formats here (// %H:%M:%S // %Y-%m-%d // %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S)
ibase_timefmt("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",IBASE_TIMESTAMP);

// Set the begin comment here ($bcomm = "/*"; $bcomm = "--";)
$bcomm = "/*";

// Set the end comment here ($ecomm = "*/"; $ecomm = "";)
$ecomm = "*/";

/* ---------------------------------------
Configuration complete
If you're changing things below this line,
you probably shouldn't be...
--------------------------------------- */

$tsql = "SELECT distinct(a.rdb\$relation_name) as str_tablename from
rdb\$relation_fields a where a.rdb\$relation_name NOT CONTAINING 'RDB\$'";

$trec = ibase_query($src_db,$tsql) or die("Bad Table Query");
while($tobj = ibase_fetch_row($trec)){
//We have a table name. Let's pull the data
if($bcomm){echo "$bcomm --- ".trim($tobj[0])." --- $ecomm\n";}
$dsql = "SELECT * FROM ".trim($tobj[0]);
$drec = ibase_query($src_db,$dsql) or die("Bad Data Query");

// Echo out the field names
//echo $comm." (";
$col = 0;
$cols = ibase_num_fields($drec);
$info[$f] = ibase_field_info($drec,$f);
// Quotes management - some types need quotes
if($info[$f]['type'] == "VARYING"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "VARCHAR"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "TIMESTAMP"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "DATE"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "TIME"
$q[$f] = $delim;
} else {
$q[$f] = "";

// Null management - some fields can't handle empties...
if($info[$f]['type'] == "VARYING"
|| $info[$f]['type'] == "VARCHAR"
// Leave the empty value - it's ok
$n[$f] = 0;
} else {
// replace the empty value with a "null"
$n[$f] = 1;

// ISO format management - convert dates to a suitable format
if($info[$f]['type'] == "DATE"
$iso_d[$f] = 1;
} else {
$iso_d[$f] = 0;
//echo ") \n";

// Echo out the data
while($dobj = ibase_fetch_row($drec)){
// Output the row(if $ins is turned on, output insert statements)
$col = 0;
while($col < $cols){
if($dobj[$col] == "" && $n[$col]){
echo "null";
} else {
echo $q[$col].$dobj[$col].$q[$col];
if($col + 1 < $cols){
echo $sep;
} else {
echo "\n";
} else {
$out = "INSERT INTO ".trim($tobj[0])." (";
for($col=0;$col < $cols;$col++){
$out .= $info[$col]['name'];

if($col + 1 < $cols){
$out .= $sep;
$out .= ") VALUES (";
for($col=0;$col < $cols;$col++){
if($dobj[$col] == "" && $n[$col]){
$out .= "null";
} else {
$prep = str_replace("'",$esc."'",$dobj[$col]);
$out .= $q[$col].$prep.$q[$col];
if($col + 1 < $cols){
$out .= $sep;
$out .= ");\n";
ibase_query($dest_db,$out) or $err = 3;
if($err == "3"){
$dberr = ibase_errmsg();
echo "Error:(".$err."), \nDB Error Description: '".$dberrtext."'.
Destination Database insert failed\n";
} else {
echo $out;