Subject Walk me thru setting up Ref. Integrity please
Author Don Gollahon
I'm a bit confused and cannot find a simple example, step by step, of
setting up ref. Integrity between 2 tables. My past experience at this has
been with Paradox where you set it up on the detail table. We quit using it
in Paradox very quickly because of GREATLY increased instances of table

Anyway, I've tried setting this up on my tables using IBExpert but keep
getting errors. One of which is:

violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "".
violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint "PK_PEOPLE_1" on table "PEOPLE"

The basics of my 2 tables are:

Master Table name: People
Primary key: PersonID

Detail Table: Attendance
Primary Key: AttDate, PersonID

I want to setup ref. Integrity so any changes or deletions to Master are
cascaded to the Detail.

Please show me the steps to do this.


Don Gollahon
ICQ#: 115831669
"What in Eternity does it matter?"