Subject Re: [firebird-support] Foreign keys
Author Geert Bevin
Ok, sorry, but that means nothing to me.

On 17 Jul 2004, at 10:33, Alan McDonald wrote:

>> Btw, there's one use case you seem to be forgetting. What about a real
>> production database where other web applications are already running
>> from it? Some ISP only allow one database instance, or a limited
>> amount
>> of them. So you suggest that to install a new application, one should
>> shut down all the others, create the new structure manually and them
>> put everything up again. Surely you can't be serious about this in a
>> production environment?
>> On 17 Jul 2004, at 09:50, Alan McDonald wrote:
> we're talking about database granularity NOT server granularity
> Alan
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Geert Bevin Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need" Avenue de Scailmont 34 7170 Manage
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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