Subject Re: [firebird-support] Foreign keys
Author Geert Bevin
> hmm, connection pooling is a production technique for scaling up your
> access. I'm afraid this does not sit well for database design
> development
> work.. You need to develop your database in a development environment.
> You
> can sync your metadata changes in one go when you're ready after you
> disconnect the pool and establish exclusive access to the production db
> (after you back it up).
> Alan

This doesn't work well in the concept of an auto-deployed and
multi-database web application. Typically, you start the web
application, which starts up the connection pool. Then when the
administrator that's installing it connects first to it, he doesn't see
the application but goes through a wizard to setup preferences and
select which database to use. Firebird is an alternative we're trying
to add, but MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and HypersonicSQL are already
supported and working well. When the database is selected, the initial
structure is installed. Of course this structure has been design and
developed elsewhere beforehand. It's however very logical to create a
proven structure in one go inside a running application. It's weird
that Firebird prohibits this solely for foreign keys.

Geert Bevin Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need" Avenue de Scailmont 34 7170 Manage
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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