Subject Re: [firebird-support] GPRE & FB1.5
Author Nick Upson
I've tried but can't find this in the list of items fixed in the new 1.5.1

could someone more familiar with sourceforge please tell me if it's been fixed
in this release or not.

In article <200403180948.16518.thad@...>, Thad Humphries wrote:
> Correct. I tested it in Linux (SuSE 9.0, 2.4.21-192-smp4G) and even took a
> backtrace thru gdb. Eric Boyajian <ericboyajian@...> tested it with
> Windows.
> Eric entered this as bug ID 909891, "FB 1.5 API/Client library functions
> behave unexpectedly" (
> index.php?func=detail&aid=909891&group_id=9028&atid=109028). This entry
> reports this and a problem that Eric is having only under Windows. From
> reading the followups, it seems the crash problem has been fixed but not
> tested.
> On Thursday 18 March 2004 09:30, Nick Upson wrote:
> > Please correct me if I've got this wrong below. I just want to make sure I
> > understand the current situation.
> >
> > A C program will crash when doing EXEC SQL DISCONNECT <dbname> on both
> > linux and windows; This didn't happen with FB1.0 but is a new bug in FB1.5.

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