Subject Re: [firebird-support] Problems with Firebird 1.5 after installation
Author Daniel Rail

At July 5, 2004, 12:38, Xavier Solé wrote:

> I've recently installed the last release of Firebird 1.5 CS in a
> server running United Linux 1.0 OS. Firebird seems up & running, but
> when I try to register a database from IBExpert Personal Edition
> (specifying that the engine in the server is Firebird
> 1.5), I get the message that the file "interbase.msg" is not
> found. Is this a problem of Firebird or IBExpert? Previously to the
> v1.5 installation I installed Firebird 1.0 and everything went fine.

It's probably IBExpert, since FB 1.5 now has firebird.msg. FB 1.0
still has interbase.msg.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (