Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Linux server version to use which supports gds32.dll on WIN32 PC
Author Alan McDonald
> Hi Alan
> It would be IB6.0 era
> I get an error when trying to connect to an Interbase dbase ona
> Linux server running Interbase 1.3 or 1.5, on a 1.0.2 Version I had
> no such trouble connecting, and I am using gds32 v6.0.0.627
> Firebird
> Interbase
> Firebird 6.0.0
> were used to test with on a Win Server platform but when I
> uninstalled these on the server and tried to connect I got the same
> error as I have been getting trying to connect to a Linux box
> running Firebird 1.3 or 1.5
> the error I get is an isc error ...unable to connect network request
> to host
> but as I say Interbase is installed on that box ??
> thanks
> Neal
You're a bit lost here in the versions. There was never a version one of
Interbase (AFAIR - 1996) maybe as Starbase perhaps..
So you mean Firebird 1.03 (not 1.3) and Firebird 1.5.
The client lib is now fbclient.dll and the install for the server (1.5)
creates a client lib gds32.dll as version 6.0 etc so as to achieve
compatibility with IBX components. As far as I know there is no problem
being backward compatible using the client lib v6 as gds32.dll with any
previous version of Firebird. and even Interbase 6. connecting to any server
of these versions.
I would have to guess that you have some old version of hte client lib
hanging around. Search your disk for gds32.dll for other versions.
Your best bet is to get rid of them.