Subject Re: [firebird-support] API - Transaction handle.
Author Helen Borrie
At 08:24 AM 24/06/2004 +0200, you wrote:

> > I am new to Firebird, read most of the manuals. In the InterBase 6 API
> > Guide on page 81 it states: "InterBase requires that all transaction
> handles
> > be declared when an application is compiled."
>That's nonsense for API applications perhaps someone confused API and
>embedded SQL there. For an API-Application there is nothing "magic"
>done at compile time, transaction handles are created at runtime by
>calling the API.

Actually, not. Handles are *assigned* at runtime. But a transaction
handle is a client-side creation, a variable, a piece of application-owned
memory that the application sets in place to be assigned to
transactions. If there are no handles, there's nothing to pass to the
TPB. Handles get "recycled" during the course of the client session by
setting them to zero each time they are used for a new transaction. If the
application is going to need multiple (potentially concurrent)
transactions, it has to create a pool of handles sufficient to cover what
it might need.

>API might also be used in an interpreted language - there would be no
>compile-time at all.

Really? So you're saying that interpreted languages execute source code?
