Subject request size limit exceeded, SQLCODE = -901 in v1.03
Author J. P. Twarog

I am trying to compile a stored procedure and get the following error:

-request size limit exceeded
SQL> Statement failed, SQLCODE = -901

I am running Firebird 1.03 on RedHat 7.2:

ISQL Version: LI-V1.0.3.972 Firebird 1.0.3
Firebird/linux Intel (access method), version "LI-V6.2.972 Firebird 1.0.3"
Firebird/linux Intel (remote server), version "LI-V6.2.972 Firebird
1.0.3/tcp (linuxdev)/P10"
Firebird/linux Intel (remote interface), version "LI-V6.2.972 Firebird
1.0.3/tcp (linuxdev)/P10"

If I had dynamic sql in v1.5 perhaps this would not be an issue....

However, it is odd that the procedure's dependencies
(ping_a_particular_table ...) are each of a bigger filesize.

Furthermore, if I comment either the first two "execute procedure" lines or
the last two, it compiles...

I suspect that filesize is not the issue.

I am unable to find anything useful in the release notes or google...

Does anyone have any suggestions?



P.S.: here is the procedure...

set autoddl off;
set term ^;

create procedure PING_TABLES (meta_editor varchar(32), last_sync_time
timestamp, this_sync_time timestamp)

returns (r varchar(2048))

declare variable e varchar(32);
declare variable l timestamp;
declare variable t timestamp;


r = '';
e = meta_editor;
l = last_sync_time;
t = this_sync_time;

execute procedure ping_ARTIST_BILLINGS r, e, l, t returning_values r;
execute procedure ping_BALANCES r, e, l, t returning_values r;
execute procedure ping_BILLING_PERFORMERS r, e, l, t returning_values r;
execute procedure ping_COMPANIES r, e, l, t returning_values r;


commit work^