Subject Re: [firebird-support] procedure question
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
dleec45 wrote:

>I have a situation where I need to add a record to an address table
>and return the ID (key) to the record which I can do, but in addition
>to returning the key, I want to be able to pass to the procedure the
>query to perform instead of having it inside.
>DECLARE variable var_id integer;
>execute procedure call_gen_id
>returning_values :var_id;
>insert into t1 (pkey, a_string) **** this is what I want to
>values (:var_id, :in_string); **** pass in as it may be a
>new_id = :var_id; **** different table
>string_sent = :in_string;
>Hope this is clear. Regards, Lee

Take a look in Execute Statement on FB 1.5 release notes

see you !


Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda.
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil