Subject RE: [firebird-support] Hi
Author Alan McDonald
> Thanks, Benno
> If I want to save a list of names (in a flashable chip, for want
> of a better
> term) as I do with my cell phone, it is not possible with FB?
> What does the
> list mean by embedded then?
> Thanks,
> Dion

It means: take the database server engine out of it's service oriented
environment and place it next to your application executable, you then make
calls to the engine as you would to a normal service based engine, but this
time the file you are accessing is for your application's exclusive use. I
also means that you can run the application as a desktop database type of
application with no server to install in order for you to use familiar SQL
and access components to still have a full blown FB database file to store
and access your data. In other words, the server is embedded in with your