Subject UDF in Visual Studio
Author vincentduplak
Hello all.

Is it possible to write UDF's for FireBird in Visual Studio .NET
(Visual Basic)? Can somebody give me a link to some example how to do
it? All examples I found was in C, or Delphi. When I try to compile
some function in the Class Library and then declare it in the database
with statement

declare external function Plus2
returns bigint by value
entry_point 'Plus2' module_name 'ClassLibrary1';

I always get an error when I try to use it:

Invalid token.
invalid request BLR at offset 60.
function PLUS2 is not defined.
module name or entrypoint could not be found.

Or is there available different version of the standard BIN_AND,
BIN_OR and BIN_XOR functions which take 8byte integer as parameters
instead of 4bytes integer?

Thank you.
