Subject Database cache
Author Juan Pedro López Sáez
Hello everybody.

I think this is a simple question.

The scheme is the following:

- I have the same testing database in two different machines, say dbA
and dbB.
- I add new rows in a table of dbA.
- I backup dbA.
- I shutdown dbB, rename it to another filename and restore the last
backup of dbA to dbB filename.
- I bring dbB online.

After that process, when I connect to the new created dbB, I can't
access the new rows inserted in dbA.

I guess this has something to do with firebird database cache, because
after restarting firebird server, I access the new rows.

Is there any other way to refresh the database contents to the firebird
database cache?

Thank you very much.

Juan Pedro Lopez

Juan Pedro López Sáez
ALTIRIA TIC, Soluciones en Servicios Móviles
Tlf: 913 311 198
Móvil: 610 258 837