Subject [OT] Best Code Editors
Author sdbeames
I always check out any editors that get mentioned in the lists, but
so-far haven't found anything better than ScopeEdit for organising &
navigating my programs, due maily to two features - folding (the
ability to collapse large sections of code down to more managable
pieces, and then select them from a treeview on the left), and having
multiple documents all saved and available in one file.

I'm intrigued why this doesn't get mentioned more often. Do most
people break their code up into lots of smaller files that they then
switch between in their editor, rather that have a few larger files?
Compile times aren't an issue for me these days with faster PCs.

ScopeEdit lacks column selection and easy macro features like
assigning a hotkey to duplicate characters from the line above, as I
could do with DOS QEdit.

Are there other editors that provide all these features, and perhaps
an even better way of visually locating & zooming in & out of your
