Subject Re: [firebird-support] Suggestions wanted
Author Jonathan Neve
Michael Vilhelmsen wrote:

>We have made an application which runs on FB using IBO and IBX comp.
>Some of our customers connects to a Windows Server running Citrix,
>and runs the program from there.
BTW, what's Citrix?

>This works perfectly, as long as the ISPs line is up and running.
>But every once in a while, a customers internet line is down.
>In this period of time, they cannot use the system !
>Now some of our customers wants a solution where they can do at least
>some work when "offline".
>I have been speculating in making a small appl. that can run locally,
>when there is no internet connection available.
>But how do I syncronize the DB on our Citrix server with whatever
>work the user has been doing locally ?
>I would like to hear any suggestions to how to solve this !
>Thank you in advance.
I was in a similar situation recently, except that my main concern was
speed. So I made my own program for handling this. If you like I could
send it to you. There are also other more "professional" solutions (by
that, I simply mean that mine was intended for my own use, and so it
isn't geared towards redistribution), such as IBReplicator (by
IBPhoenix), and a few others. I had to make my own because my database
was very complex (with a lot of triggers and procedures, as well as PK
values that were subject to change, etc). I couldn't redesign my
database, and none of the solutions I could find were able to cope with
this sort of thing. Also, the price of IBReplicator was more than I was
willing to spend, and the only free alternative I could find wasn't good
enough, because it was only a one-way solution.

So you have several options :
1) *Make your own replicator*. Be forewarned that this is a tremendous
amount of work (it took me over 300 hours!). On the other hand, at least
you'll get exactly what you want.
2) *Get IBReplicator.*
3) *Adapt and use my replicator, or perhaps someone else's*. Please note
however, that my replicator is written in C++Builder, which might
present some problems with adapting it if you're using any other tool.

Hope this helps,

Jonathan Neve.

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