Subject Firebird Datatypes - any database convert ...
Author prom_prometheus
perhaps someone has experience in this:
i try to convert from any database into firebird tables ...
(Dialect 1)
what datatypes have i to convert?
and what i shall use?


type TFieldType = (ftUnknown, ftString, ftSmallint, ftInteger,
ftWord, ftBoolean, ftFloat, ftCurrency, ftBCD, ftDate, ftTime,
ftDateTime, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftAutoInc, ftBlob, ftMemo,
ftGraphic, ftFmtMemo, ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle, ftTypedBinary,
ftCursor, ftFixedChar, ftWideString, ftLargeint, ftADT, ftArray,
ftReference, ftDataSet, ftOraBlob, ftOraClob, ftVariant,
ftInterface, ftIDispatch, ftGuid, ftTimeStamp, ftFMTBcd);

i used till now:
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftAutoinc then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftInteger;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftTimeStamp then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftDateTime;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftTime then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftDateTime;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftDate then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftDateTime;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftOraBlob then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftBlob;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftOraClob then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftBlob;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftGuid then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftString;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftWord then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftInteger;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftDbaseOle then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftBlob;
if ib_table.FieldDefs[i].DataType = ftParadoxOle then
ib_table.fielddefs[i].datatype:= ftBlob;

best regards