Subject Terminating Firebird on Win98
Author Ray Jenkins
We are embedding Firebird in our application. We were using IB6.5.

One of the things we do is install a local server in case of networking problems. Our application switches over to local host and keeps running and then uploads results to the network server when connection is restored.

Our install shutsdown the Server while we are running. This is in part so that we can upgrade to newer versions of the database server.

We have this working for 2000/XP but have run into a bit of a problem with Win98.

Is there a way to shutdown Firebird from an application? We know of several windows ways to post a WM_CLOSE message to the server and the guardian. We just were wondering if there was a preferred way to do this? If this is the prefered way is the classname and windows name on the tip of on of your tongue's? :)

Thanks in Advance