Subject RE: [firebird-support] Troubels with Firebird 1.5
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> > Do the permissions for your UDF library differ from the
> > standard UDF libraries (fbudf, ib_udf)?
> >
> Thank you Thomas for the quick answer. The permission for the UDFs are for all
> the same. Any other ideas?
> I understand that the gardian starts Firebird. But why terminates Firebird
> abnormally? Now the firebird.log has 247 MB.

Is there anything else in the firebird.log file around the time, where
the server process crashes? Can you pinpoint the problem to the used
UDFs? Does the firebird user has appropriate rights in the temporary
directory, where Firebird will create temporary files?

Btw, where are you located in Austria?

Best Regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Serie - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database and MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions