Subject Re: Firebird on Windows
Author sbnspindler
--- In, "Alan McDonald" <alan@m...>
> > I don't know if the transaction type you mean is the same as the
> > transaction isolation level I can set in java.
> > I use the default one that is "transaction read committed".
> >
> > By default a Connection object is in auto-commit mode, which means
> > that it automatically commits changes after executing each
> > If auto-commit mode has been disabled, the method commit must be
> > called explicitly in order to commit changes; otherwise, database
> > changes will not be saved.
> >
> > I set autocommit off and I make a explicit commit after about 1000
> > inserts with connection.commit()-method.
> >
> you made me look back on some old source I had - you're quite right,
> connection.SetAutoCommit(False);
> then you use
> connection.commit();
> That's what should work fine for me but I never used this for mass
> Maybe the java group is better to answer this than me.
> I have a sneeky suspicion that this type of connection.commit() is
still a
> commitretaining in the transaction context and not a hard commit
and that
> what you need to do is use explicit transactions so that you are
> transaction.commit() and not connection.commit(). I might be wrong.
> Alan

I'll ask in the java group .
Thank you for your time !