Subject RE: [firebird-support] Inoltra: Problems with release FireBird 1.5
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
> Hi,
> i try to use the new relase 1.5 of FireBird.
> My problems became from java.
> I create a java class, like this
> >>>>
> import java.sql.*;
> import org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBConnection;
> public class connect {
> public static void main(String[] args) {
> try{
> Class.forName("org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver");
> }
> catch(ClassNotFoundException clsNFNDEXCP){
> System.out.println(clsNFNDEXCP.getMessage());
> }
> String URL = "jdbc:firebirdsql://127.0.0
> 1/d:/programmi/Firebird/DBase/build.fdb";
> String User = "SYSDBA";
> String Pwd = "masterkey";

The FAQ document, included in the JayBird release, includes an example
for a valid connect string that looks like:


Give the following connect string a try:


Btw, there is a Firebird Java related newsgroup as well.
Have a look here (watch the wrap!):

Scroll down to the "The Firebird-Java List" section.

Thomas Steinmaurer
LogManager Serie - Logging/Auditing Suites supporting
InterBase, Firebird, Advantage Database and MS SQL Server
Upscene Productions