Subject Still no luck with api1.c example. Possible Firebird Bug?
Author barfingdog2004
Hi Folks:

I'm still not having any luck with the Firebird API example

I've created a test user and password with the following,
cut and pasted to avoid any typing errors:

GSEC> add test_user -pw test_pw

I've added printf() statements to display environmental
variables and the SQL passed to isc_dsql_execute_immediate()
to create the database. Again, cut and pasted to avoid typos.

ISC_DATABASE "E:\larryl\usr\learn\firebird\firebird_examples"
ISC_USER "test_user"
ISC_PASSWORD "test_pw"
SQL passed to isc_dsql_execute_immediate():
CREATE DATABASE 'new_test.fdb' page_size 8192 user 'test_user'
password 'test_pw
Created database 'new_test.fdb'.

PROBLEM ON "attach database".
Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database
administrator to
set up a Firebird login.

That's not the possible bug I'm talking about. Let's assume
I'm doing something wrong, which I hope will be explained.

Is this a bug?

I'm changing the user and password in the SQL, to something
I've not defined with gsec.

ISC_DATABASE "E:\larryl\usr\learn\firebird\firebird_examples"
ISC_USER "test_user"
ISC_PASSWORD "test_pw"
SQL passed to isc_dsql_execute_immediate():
CREATE DATABASE 'new_test.fdb' page_size 8192 user 'bad_user' password
Created database 'new_test.fdb'.

< Snipped same end as above >

Should the database have been created with a user not
in the security database? As the sample program reports,
new_test.fdb was created.

Anyway, I'd appreciate some advice.
