Subject Bug in firebird 1.5?? left joining
Author johnsparrowuk
Is this a bug??


create table mytable (person varchar(20) not null, status integer not
null, primary key (person,status));

create view currentpeople as select distinct person from mytable
where status = 1;
create view finishedpeople as select distinct person from mytable
where status = 2;

insert into mytable values ('john',1);
insert into mytable values ('john',2);
insert into mytable values ('fred',1);

/* This works fine: fred-null, john-john */
select * from currentpeople c left join finishedpeople f on c.person
= f.person

/* This is as expected too: john-john */
select * from currentpeople c left join finishedpeople f on c.person
= f.person
where f.person = 'john'

/* WHATS HAPPENING HERE????? fred-null, JOHN-NULL where does the john-
null come from???*/
select * from currentpeople c left join finishedpeople f on c.person
= f.person
where f.person is null


Firebird 1.5 SS, Windows 2000 and XP, dialect 3 db.

Took me 3 hours of tracing through stored procedures to fine I wasn't
being stupid!

