Subject Is there a way...
Author trevorradke
I need firebird to notify each client when a certain "event" (for
lack of a better term) occurs on a table. Basically, here is what I
am aiming for and I am very new to FB so I need to know if it can be

10 computer network. Each computer does a query which returns a set
of records matching a specific date that they are looking at. When
one computer (client) has its set of data (say 30 records) it
generates a string grid to represent that data. That screen may just
sit there for hours. If one of the other clients inserts a new record
into the table that would match the query set, I need FB (or the
other client) to be able to notify my computer that a new record has
been inserted. I need the same thing to occur if a record was deleted
or modified that is in my query set.

There could be dozens of computers "looking" at the same set of data
in their queries and if one computer deletes, modifies, or inserts
something that would affect that query set, I need all the affected
computers to be able to either be notified of the specific change
(insert, modification, or deletion) or at the very least be told to
refresh the query.

Can it be done? If so, what do we do to accomplish it?

