Subject Re: [firebird-support] MSVCRT.DLL - incorrect version
Author Helen Borrie
At 11:20 AM 11/03/2004 +0100, you wrote:

>The same thing happens also on Windows NT. FB fails after installation -
>installer leaves old (in my case it was 4.20.6201) msvcrt.dll and puts new
>msvcp60.dll next to it and I get 'fbserver.exe file linked to missing export
>MSVCRT.DLL: __lc_collate_cp'.
>This can of course be amended 'by hand', putting newer msvcrt.dll on the
>1. But is there any plan of solving this issue? In the current situation it
>is impossible to give this installer to the custormers, since when they run
>it on a older system it will simply not work.

True, the installer won't overwrite an existing msvcrt.dll because in the
past it caused problems by breaking other installed apps. According to
M$Marketing, that's not supposed to happen...but it's better to play safe.

Both msvcrt.dll (v.6.0.8797.0) and compatible msvcp60.dll are in your
firebird \bin directory. You will need to experiment on a case-by-case
basis, I think. V.4-point-something is really ancient - 1995? Nine years'
backward compatibility?

>2. This is not for this group, but: I would like to put Polish text in thie
>installer (I can do the translations), who should I contact about this, it
>would be quite nice if FB had also Polish language installer.

It would be worthwhile to join the firebird-docs list. Another person is
currently translating the installer interface into German, so firebird-docs
seems to be the de facto home of such things currently. :-)

