Subject Re: Re: Re: [firebird-support] Even with NIC to NIC connection network request to host failed
Author Helen Borrie
At 05:26 PM 10/03/2004 +0530, you wrote:

> >That's weird -- "environment option". Is it possible the app is trying to
> >connect to a database that isn't on the server's filesystem?
> >
> >/hb
> >
>Well the connection is always to the same database and this is an intermittent
>problem, so that appears unlikely.
>My intution tell me that you are thinking of aliases which is 1.5 thing
>not a 1
>thing. (Do I have good intution <g>)

No, not this time. I mean, that your server doesn't control the hard disk
partition where the database is located. It's an NFS partition or a Sambar

>It is a really strange error message

The reason for *my* intuition regarding the location of the database is
that the client may have been looking for the database on an NFS partition,
or a Sambar share, at a point when network flutters could make that
filesystem node unavailable.

If it turns out that the database is indeed on foreign soil then your
client will have good reasons to want your head served up on a dish. It's
a complete No-No.
