Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Attached Databases
Author Daniel Rail

At March 9, 2004, 22:38, jrodenhi wrote:

> Actually, my question was meant to be more of a feature request. I
> probably should not have entered it here, but when I checked the
> feature request newsgroup, it had nothing but unrelated spam in it.

> My guess is that the Firebird server can pick up the alias names from
> its aliases.conf file. And since you can log onto a database once you
> have its alias, I believe that it would be possible to put these two
> things together and allow remote users who log onto a server to pick
> the database they want to work with from a list. This of course
> presumes that the administrative or query tool the user is using is
> set up to work with this kind of arrangement. It seems like the
> server is very close to this functionality. If such a functionality
> were available, I would bet that client tool writers would take
> advantage of it and I think it would be a popular feature among users.

If you wish to submit this as a feature request, you can go to this
URL and post it:

My personal opinion would be it's a nice feature to have, but would
only work for returning the aliases in alias.conf and wouldn't be able
to return any other databases that is not found in the alias.conf

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (