Subject Re: [firebird-support] where to place UDF DLL
Author Helen Borrie
At 07:57 PM 9/03/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I created a DLL with Delphi 7, where do i place it so FireBird can
>find it? I am using FB 1.5 on XP. Here is the code of my DLL, maybe
>something is wrong. It seems it cant find is, says about error,
>cant find entry point or module. Thanx.
>library WFUDF;
> WFUDFFunctions in 'WFUDFFunctions.pas';
>{$R *.res}
>unit WFUDFFunctions;
> SysUtils, Classes, DateUtils;
> MSecsPerDay10 = MSecsPerDay * 10;
> IBDateDelta = 15018;
> PIBDateTime = ^TIBDateTime;
> TIBDateTime = record
> Days,
> MSec10 : Integer;
> end;
>function IBYearsBetween(var ADate: TIBDateTime): Integer; cdecl;
> DateTime: TDateTime;
> with ADate do
> DateTime := Days - IBDateDelta + MSec10 / MSecsPerDay10;
> Result := YearsBetween(DateTime, Date)
> IBYearsBetween;
Try studying this whitepaper:;IBPHOENIX.PAGES;NAME='ibp_howto5'
