Subject Re: [firebird-support] Making firebird 1.5 work on Mac OS X
Author John Bellardo

On Mar 8, 2004, at 3:18 PM, Maurice Ling wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm using Mac OSX 10.3 and is trying to get Firebird 1.5 to work on my
> system. I've downloaded the "Classic for Mac OSX Release Candidate
> 7.0" from After I installed it, I tried to fire it up
> from the directory /library/frameworks/firebird.frameworks by
> ./firebird but it gave me a "segmentation fault". I have no idea what
> did I do wrong...

/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Firebird is the shared
library/dll/whatever terminology you are familiar with. It is not an
application and is not expected to do anything useful when it is used
as an application.

> I've converted from PC to Mac recently and had minimal background in
> Unix-typed systems. Hence, can someone kindly give me a step-by-step
> guide on how to get firebird working on my system?

It should be working, you have nothing left to do. Of course that
really doesn't help you any :-) The standard firebird command line
utilities are in /Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Resources/bin .
If you are a developer and want to use Firebird as part of your
application, the headers are in
/Library/Frameworks/Firebird.framework/Headers and you can link against
the firebird framework. There are an untold number of ways to use
Firebird. If you can provide us with more details on what it is you
are trying to do I can help with the MacOS specific side of things and
there are a large number of people who can assist with the platform
independent stuff.

I also suggest reading through some of the beginners guides and the
relevant parts of the documentation, if you are new to Firebird. Most
of the existing documentation applies to Firebird on MacOS as is - you
just have to skip over bits like the installation instructions, etc.
