Subject RE: [firebird-support] Re: Sample/example firebird databases
Author Alan McDonald
> Thank you David, I downloaded the UserGroupDB.sql and I'm going
> to learn a lot from it.
> I used IBExpert to open it and create database. IBExpert gave
> error when I tried to execute the script. It complained that
> 'TIME' is not defined in 'Dialect 1'. I solved this by adding
> 'SET SQL DIALECT 3;' on top of script. And then it complained
> that it cannot create UserGroupDB.GDB, so I changed its name
> from .GDB to .FDB. Now it executed fine and I can play around
> with the database using IBExpert, but when I put mouse over
> database name then in a popup bubble it shows database name as
> .GDB and Dialect 1. And using windows explorer I checked the
> data directory and it showed both .gdb(836kb) and .fdb(.94MB) files.

the script would have created the gdb file then crashed at the TIME
problems - so you had the gdb file there when the fbd file was created.
That's why it complained when you fixed the script (dialect) and fired it