Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: firebird-support Collate case insensitive - for 1.5
Author Gustavo Moda (Yahoo)
peter_jacobi.rm wrote:

Hi Peter, thanks!

>--- In, "Gustavo Moda (Yahoo)" wrote:
>>I need collate iso8859-1 CASE INSENSITIVE and translate chars áâã to
>a, and éê to e, and ç to c, etc.
>Are you using FB1.0 or FB1.5?
I use FB1.0.3.

I would like works in FB1.5, it's better :-)

>For 1.0, you can use Dave's NO-ACCENT Collations, see:
>For 1.5 only thing I can offer, is my fbintl2.dll
>work-glazial-progress. You would have to compile it yourself, if you
>on Linux.
Sorry, Why "work-glazial-progress"?

Would you mind sending it to me? Pelase, send to gustavomoda@....
Whow do work "fbintl2.dll" ?

Thank very much!


Gustavo Moda