Subject Re: [firebird-support] Known Bugs
Author Daniel Rail

At March 3, 2004, 15:25, jrodenhi wrote:

> Also, I'm a little curious about the different flavors of SQL in
> Firebird. There seems to be SQL, PSQL, sometimes DSQL and sometimes
> ISQL. Why not just one version?

SQL = DDL(Data Definition Language) and DML(Data Manipulation Language).
PSQL = Procedural SQL (Stored Procedure)
DSQL = Dynamic SQL, same thing as SQL
ISQL is the command-line interface to Firebird.

> I really like Firebird, but I wonder
> why I can't DECLARE a variable in a script. Or better, use the
> terrific FOR SELECT INTO DO syntax in a script I type into the
> Interactive SQL window in IBOConsole. I use MS SQL Server a lot and I
> don't notice the same limitations.

These limitations are taken care of in FB 2.0 with the new EXECUTE
BLOCK statement.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (