Subject Please help me link embedded FB to Windows App
Author barfingdog2004
Hello Folks:

How can I link Firebird embedded server into a Windows
C++ application?

The download is,
I'm developing with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0.

I've copied the fbembed.dll into the directory where
VC++ places the executable, and renamed it fbclient.dll.
I've also added "fbclient.dll" to the list of object and
libraries in the project settings link options.

The link fails with this error:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "fbclient.dll"

I'm new to Windows development, and I could be making
some dumb mistake.

Reading Petzold's "Windows Programming", and responses
to my questions in the Win32 newsgroup cause me to wonder
where the import library for the DLL is.

Please help me get the DLL linked to my application.
