Subject Re: [firebird-support] gbak: ERROR: message length error (encountered 172, expected 174)
Author Ann W. Harrison
At 09:54 AM 3/2/2004, Steve Rice wrote:

>We have experienced the following error while running gbak on one of
>our customer's databases...
>C:\DATA>gbak database.gdb database.gbk -user SYSDBA -password
>gbak: ERROR: message length error (encountered 172, expected 174)
>gbak: ERROR: gds_$receive failed
>gbak: Exiting before completion due to error

Have you used a gbak -v (verbose) to identify the table that's having the
problem? If so, have you done a select count (*) on that table? Does that
work? There's probably some corruption in the database and you'll need to
figure out some way of getting rid of that record. As for how it got that
way, I have some vague memory of a problem, but not enough to explain yet.


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