Subject Re: Post_Event with 2 parameters
Author Kevin Herrmann
> Subject: Re: Post_Event with 2 parameters
> At Sunday, February 29, 2004 5:19 PM Kevin Herrmann Wrote:
> > Yossi, unsure of the length limitations on POST_EVENT but couldn't you
> just
> > concatenate the messages with a separator? Seems like the first part will
> be
> > defined by you and will be a limited set of values. Then add the latter
> part.
> > So, use an integer or short string, a separator, and then the table+record
> ID.
> >
> > Some examples:
> > POST_EVENT 'TableUpdate' || '/' || 'Customers-12345'
> > POST_EVENT 'TU' || ':' || 'Customers-12345'
> > POST_EVENT '3' || '-' || 'Customers-12345'
> >
> > Then parse event text in app.
> >
> > Kevin
> How can I do it, The event name is unknown How can the client register this
> kind of event ?

Understood; been awhile since used events. Sounds like you need to simulate the
full blown event mechanism you want by using a coarser event posting mechanism
or polling (ouch!).

Perhaps log the changes (tablename, operation, recordID) in a table (ala
IBObjects DML cacheing?).

Then you could post as an event a generic CRUD+Tablename message. Sounds like
limitation on event size would force you to abbreviate or enumerate tables to
fit. You'd still have to create events, but now for limited set of items

Hope at least the discussion, if not the idea, is helping.
