Subject Incredible problem with Win2K Server -- is this a bug?
Author Franz J Fortuny
I just want to know, first, if someone has encountered the following

Proceed to make a CLEAN install of Fireber 1.5 RC9 in a Win2K server.

Install it as a SERVICE. Let The Guardian start and stop it (control

Then, through Localhost, try to connect any client application:

IT FREEZES! Along with the client application.

And freezes to the point where The Guardian can NOT stop the service
restart it). Windows can not stop the service or restart it.

It stays there, forever. And if any application intends to connect to
this gone to "limbo" server, the client application will also remain,
FOREVER stuck, unusable.

Hint: the Guardian STARTS the server, but the button, instead of
going to STOP form, DOES informe that the server is running, but
instead of showing "STOP" (the server) it continues to show START.

Also, if you try to STOP the server right after you start it (with The
Guardian it is "impossible", since the button says "start" even
though it's already started) through the services page you can stop
and restart. As a matter of fact, you can stop it and restart it if
IT HASN'T BEEN INTENDED BY ANY client to connect to it.

I quit RC9 on such win2k server. I went back to installing 1.0.3. It
is up and running.

The log file does not inform anything. What I have explained here is
exactly what you can learn from this event.

Please, if there is anything that we are missing, we will greatly
appreciate any help concerning this problem.

RC8 was installed on that same WIN2K server and it would work "fine"
for several hours or days, but it would, suddenly and unexpectedly
BEHAVE EXACTLY as the bug explained for RC9. The only difference
between the behavior is that RC8 would work for some time, whereas
the RC9 version will NEVER work (under Win2K server).

I have it here, on my PC running fine (so far, RC9), which is an XP
(always up to date).

Yes, the Win2k SErver is 100% up to date.

Please, if you have the "formula", let us know it. If not, how can we
report this as a real bug?

F Fortuny