Subject [] Re: Dialect problem??
Author sllimr7139
Hi Helen,

Please ignore parts of my last message. In it I asked the question
about looking at system table to possibly find the character set and
then posted it before realising what I had asked.

I've since gone and checked the system tables (novel idea that) and
have discovered the following:

The SQL dialect of the database is 3.
The database default character set is ASCII,
the varchar column has a character set id of 2 and
that the blob column in question has a character set id of 2 as well.

After doing a quick glance through the rest of the columns listed in
the system table (RDB$Fields) I've found that I have all the same
character set id's for all of my other columns (where they are needed).

Now here is where I'm a little confused. In the docs (somewhere) I
read that in blobs (subtype 1) the character set *is* taken in to
consideration. So am I wrong in my assumption that if the blob and my
varchar have the same character set id there shouldn't be this
transliterate error occuring when I try to update one to the other?
