Subject Re: No more connections after the 62nd..
Author casibart
Helen, thank you very much.

How can I fix up my apps so that GC runs little?
By doing manual transaction control?
Then I may try to fix the application up, if I can't I may try to get
more RAM.

By the way, 1gb of ram costs about 650$ for our ibm server :)

Can you say it's better for me to go to Classic Server?

And there is something that I don't understand. When the 62nd client
could not connect, I checked the swap space and it was not used (0kb).

Do I need free physical ram for new connections, with no swap space
used? Or , can we say that, my FB SS does not use any swap space?
Today I'm observing the server and haven't seen any 1 kb of swap
space being used.

Thanks a lot for valuable information.

> >Sometimes the cpu usage
> >gets high, always about %45-65 and I when that happens , everything
> >gets real slow. When that happens, I kill the fbserver process and
> >when clients connect again, everything runs fine again for a while.

> Hmm, probably garbage collection. It's much better to fix up your
> apps so that GC runs little and often, as it is meant to do.