Subject Customising Security database
Author Alan McDonald
The security database customisations outlined by Ivan Prenosil and also by
Helen are quite clear.
What's not so clear is that in order to use them at the application layer,
the application needs to know the full path (from the server's POV) of the
security database.
When you run GSEC remotely, The server only offers alter/delete/add actions
to the security database. The threat of public being able to select * from
users only comes into play when the path of the security database is known.
So how does a hacker or even someone who has genuine reason to know, find
the path to the security database without asking that the sofware installer
find the path and register it with the application?

(Background - I am designing an application which needs to provide SYSDBA a
simple and convenient (i.e. inside the application itself) way to see all
users, create new ones, delete old ones and reset their passwords. The BDS
components for IBO go most of the way but my last stumbling block is how to
provide the security database path so the application can get a full list of
the users available.)